Loan Calculator
Enter the term, rate, and either the payment or loan amount - the other will be
calculated for you.
Single Deposit Savings Calculator
To calculate the future value of a one-time, lump-sum investment, enter the
dollar amount invested, the interest rate you expect to earn, and the number of years you expect to let the
investment grow.
Future Value: $1004.01
Interest Earned: $4.01
Monthly Deposit Savings Calculator
To calculate the future value of a monthly investment, enter the beginning
balance, the monthly dollar amount you plan to deposit, the interest rate you expect to earn, and the number
of years you expect to continue making monthly deposits.
Future Value: $4010.12
Interest Earned: $10.12
Mortgage Calculator
Enter the term, rate, and either the payment or loan amount - the other will be
calculated for you.
Mortgage Refinancing Calculator
This calculator will help you to decide whether or not you should refinance your
current mortgage at a lower interest rate. Not only will this calculator calculate the monthly payment and net
interest savings, but it will also calculate how many months it will take to break even on the closing costs.
New Monthly Payment: $1164.89
Monthly Savings: $98.85
Number of Months to Break Even on Closing Costs: 76
Current Interest: $204946.40
New Interest: $169361.62
Interest Saved: $35584.78
Total Savings: $28084.78